URP students have opportunities to present their results at regional, 国家, 以及国际会议.
你好奇吗?? 对研究感兴趣? 探索未知,有所发现? ✓

本科研究——全国公认的高影响力实践——在校园里尤为突出.  Led by a committee of faculty members from many disciplines, 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学的本科生研究项目为学生提供了多种参与方式——从大一到大四, 与教师合作, and make discoveries that advance the frontiers of knowledge and technology. The 研究 Office manages the program and supports the faculty committee. The URP provides only one avenue for students to participate in research.  Other avenues include joining a funded research project, working for the on-campus 蒙大拿州矿业局 and 地质 (MBMG), 或者在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院工作 先进材料加工中心(营), or 环境修复中心 and 评估 (CERA), or conducting research and preparing a senior thesis. 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院还鼓励对研究或研究生院感兴趣的学生花一个夏天的时间在校园内或在另一所大学或主要的研究实验室做研究,作为本科生暑期研究经历(REU)项目的付费参与者.  Montana Tech’s URP students also have opportunities to present their results at regional, 国家, 以及国际会议.

The 本科研究 Program has three types of opportunities: traditional academic year undergraduate research in collaboration with a faculty member (URP); faculty-mentored and designed research project for a team of freshmen and 二年级学生s (RAMP); and the paid Summer 本科研究 Fellowship (SURF). 所有这些选择都适用于对研究感兴趣的学生和那些项目将是公共卫生实习(PHI)的学生。.  这些机会描述如下. 请致电 urp@asia-shoppingking.com 有问题吗?.

Learn more about the impact of 本科研究 at Montana Tech 在这里.

The next call for proposals will be for projects to be conducted during academic year 24/25. 


提案提交和 截止日期是下午5点.m. 2022年4月6日星期三. (逾期申请将不获接纳).

电子邮件 the proposal document and cover sheet(s) in PDF format to urp@asia-shoppingking.com. (See 的指导方针 for specific instructions) Hard copies will not be accepted.

有关更多信息,请参见 附加的指导方针 with details about student eligibility and obligations, and proposal preparation. 

希望参加本科研究计划的本科生必须提交一份提案. For more information on submitting proposals, please visit the 项目指南和申请页面.

Each full-time student participating for the full academic year will receive a $1,500年奖学金, 其中一半在秋季学期开始时提供,一半在春季学期开始时提供.  为了奖励的目的, 研究的定义很宽泛,可能包括对文化或历史问题的调查, 纪录片或制作艺术, 以及更典型地与科学或工程学科相关的实验室或实地研究. 学生必须有良好的学术成绩. 寻求学士学位的学生必须注册至少12个学分加上至少1个URP学分才有资格. Students in associate’s 学位 programs must be enrolled in 9 credits plus 1 URP credit. The scholarship amount will be pro-rated for associate’s-学位 students, who are enrolled in fewer than 12 credits of courses.

请注意:学生应该在他们的研究主管/导师的帮助下制定他们的提案. 提案必须遵循 的指导方针.

传统的本科研究项目(URP)为学生提供了在学年期间与教师合作进行特定研究项目的机会,以获得奖学金和学分. The student writes and submits the proposal, which is reviewed by the faculty URP committee. It is essential to meet with the faculty member, who would mentor the project. 做他们感兴趣的特定研究项目,以获得学分和学年奖学金. 学生们在四月份的蒙大拿科学院年会上展示了他们的研究成果. Many students also present their results at other conferences.

本科研究委员会很高兴为2023年春季研究助理指导计划(RAMP)开放提案征集。.  这个项目是为新生准备的, 二年级学生, 和初级水平的研究人员(完成课程少于90学分),以前没有参加过正式的研究计划署资助的研究.  理想情况下,全职教师将为春季学期的研究项目组建3人一组的研究小组.  

Proposals (3 pages max) should be drafted by faculty mentors and submitted to urp@asia-shoppingking.com 不迟于 12 p.m. 2022年12月7日(星期三)中午.  Full details for proposal submission, and the required cover page are attached.  迟来的提案将不予接受. 

夏季本科生研究奖学金(SURF)计划旨在提供一个密集的, in-depth summer research experience to a small number of Montana Tech undergraduate students. Proposals are written and submitted by the faculty mentor. 项目跨度为夏季的9-10周, with students working full time (40 hours per week) or half time (20 hours per week, 按比例减少津贴). SURF学生在夏季参加了五个午餐时间的专业发展研讨会,并在8月初的菲律宾十大彩票平台大学SURF研讨会上展示了一张海报. 允许个人和小团队项目.


本科学生也可以在大学发展计划的支持下从事公共卫生实习. Proposals are submitted at the same time and in the same manner as for research projects. 审查过程, 资格要求, 奖学金金额, and stipends are the same as for undergraduate research projects.

蒙大拿州理工学院的一些教师已经通过各种外部机构获得了资助的研究经费,许多人在这些项目中包括本科生作为小时工. 和系里的老师谈谈, , MBMG, 或者在系里做你感兴趣的研究,看看有什么机会.

除了, many universities and federal laboratories host undergraduate research programs, often called “研究 Experiences for Undergraduates (REU).” The November to February time frame is when these host sites invite applications. 下面的链接, 许多其他的, and those of the professional society for your discipline will have current information, 就像 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学就业服务办公室.



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